CHF 5.0 billion (2017)
28,000 (2018)
Direct Selling
How they do it: Hilti’s direct sales model gives every customer a dedicated account manager. This not only allows the account manager to service and sell Hilti’s products fitted to the customer’s needs but also give the customer a one-stop purchasing experience. Hilti’s account managers are trained and visit its customers on site to support in all necessary steps to ensure a perfect product experience.
Guaranteed Availability
How they do it: Customers that subscribe to Hilti’s ”Fleet Management” product, subscribe to a guaranteed possibility to use Hilti’s tools. Hilti takes care of maitenance and service and also replacement if needed. This allows the customer to minimize its construction downtime due to tool problems.
Rent Instead Of Buy
How they do it: Hilti’s ”Fleet Management” allows customers to rent its tools for a fixed monthly payment instead of needing to buy them. This contract includes the exchange of tools for the newest models as well as service and maitenance. The customer avoids a upfront investment and has an easy way to budget the tool costs going forward.
Solution Provider
How they do it: In it’s ”Fleet Management” program, customers can pay a fixed monthly fee for the usage of tools. This fee covers all services related to the usage and maitenance. In addition Hilti offers support in tool park optimisation, fully servicing the needs of the customers.
How they do it: Hilti’s ”Fleet Management” allows customers to subscribe to a fixed-term contract with monthly payments to get a defined amount of its latest tools. This contract includes the exchange of tools for the newest models as well as service and maitenance. The customer avoids a upfront investment and has an easy way to budget the tool costs going forward.
Learn from this company and apply the same patterns to create your own successful business model!