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Flat Rate 15#

In this model, a single fixed fee for a product or service is charged, regardless of actual usage or time restrictions on it. The user benefits from a simple cost structure while the company benefits from a constant revenue stream.

Apply this pattern to your own business and create your next innovative business model!

Examples: Iconic Cases

How they do it: With the establishment of its music streaming service Apple Music, Apple enables customers to stream an unlimited amount of music for a fixed monthly fee.
Learn more about Apple iPod/iTunes →

How they do it: Netflix’s customers pay a monthly subscription fee, allowing users to consume an unlimited amount of content on the platform.
Learn more about Netflix →

How they do it: On Spotify, users are unable to purchase individual songs or albums. Rather, they gain access to all songs on their platform for a flatrate, monthly fee.
Learn more about Spotify →

How they do it: Already in 2000, Verizon introduced nationwide, flat-rate pricing options for consumers and businesses. Today, Verizon customers can subscribe to an unlimited plan (voice, data and text) for as little as $40 per month.
Learn more about Verizon Communications →

How they do it: The Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) offer a membership service called ”General-Abonnement”. With the GA, customers can travel in Switzerland on all means of transportation in the Swiss public transport network.
Learn more about SBB →

Apply this pattern to your own business and create your next innovative business model!