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Subscription 48#

The customer pays a regular fee, typically on a monthly or an annual basis, in order to gain access to a product or service. While customers mostly benefit from lower usage costs and general service availability, the company generates a more steady income stream.

Apply this pattern to your own business and create your next innovative business model!

Examples: Iconic Cases

How they do it: Customers gain access to Salesforce’s products via a SaaS-model, i.e. paying for access to it’s cloud-based software with a monthly payment agreement.
Learn more about Salesforce →

How they do it: Hilti’s ”Fleet Management” allows customers to subscribe to a fixed-term contract with monthly payments to get a defined amount of its latest tools. This contract includes the exchange of tools for the newest models as well as service and maitenance. The customer avoids a upfront investment and has an easy way to budget the tool costs going forward.
Learn more about Hilti →

How they do it: Customers who don’t want to participate in the cooperative. As a member one has access to all Mobility cars and scooters and can profit from additional benefits such as discounts for car rentals or hotels.
Learn more about Mobility Carsharing →

How they do it: Blacksocks sells various subscriptions, allowing the customer to make a 1-time purchase and receive new pairs of socks multiple times per year withouth having to re-order every individual time. The value proposition is to categorize socks as consumables and simplify its customers life.
Learn more about Blacksocks →

How they do it: Dollar Shave Club sells subscriptions for their razorblades. Through this, the product is characterized as a consumable and offers the customer a simplification as he doesn’t have to reorder the product every time he needs it.
Learn more about Dollar Shave Club →

Apply this pattern to your own business and create your next innovative business model!