Companies enable customers to become producers themselves. The customer is integrated into the value chain and can profit from the resulting product, while the company has fewer investment costs for production and overheads. Since the consumer has a hand in production, the perceived value of the product increases.
How they do it: Amazon Managed Blockchain applies the “Prosumer” pattern. It is a service that facilitates the creation and management of scalable blockchain networks utilizing the open source frameworks Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric.
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How they do it: Easy Smart Grid is based on a concept in which technologies transform energy into virtual batteries. It allows to integrate and reward flexibility from generation, consumption and storage devices in smart grids. This leads to the use of more renewables and increases efficiency.
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How they do it: Instagram is based on user-generated content that is virally distributed among users. Through a complex algorithm based on commenting and sharing content, the consumers have the power to control the content of the posts / advertising campaigns they see.
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How they do it: The video platform YouTube is crowded with users who produce professional content that is then consumed by others, represented by the social currency of the number of followers. As prosumers they earn money by allowing providers to play special ads before their videos.
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